Psalms, Proverbs and Job in Modern Hebrew


Volume 4 of the Testimony Project has been published!

In October 2010 HaGefen Publishing published the fourth volume of the Children’s Bible – the Old Testament in modern Hebrew. This volume consists of  Psalms, Proverbs and Job. According to the Hebrew order of the Scriptures, these three books constitute the first part of the Writings. HaGefen plans to complete the translation of the Old Testament by 2012 with the remaining books of the Writings. This will be the first time ever that the entire Hebrew Bible has been translated from the original Masoretic text into Modern Hebrew.

In recent months people from the secular Israeli community have been showing an interest in the project. We were particularly encouraged recently when two schools asked for the set to be donated to their library for their students’ use. The main goal of the project has always been to enable Israelis, particularly the younger generation, to better understand the message of God’s Word. Most Israelis find the Masoretic Hebrew text of the scriptures very difficult to understand as the language has changed so drastically since the Bible was written.

Henry VangamerenComment